by Bill Sweet
I'm still trying to figure out exactly why having a commodity that everyone uses for everything be super cheap could possibly be a problem, but while I wrap my head around that, here's some stuff to read on Friday morning:

The Search For The Killer Bot
Is the humble SlackBot the future of the internet?
"I believe comfort, not convenience, is the most important thing in software, and text is an incredibly comfortable medium. Text-based interaction is fast, fun, funny, flexible, intimate, descriptive and even consistent in ways that voice and user interface often are not. Always bet on text."
The goal: "We’re just trying to expose certain functionality through language."
Plus, this gem of authorship:
"For XOXCO, it started with tacos."
A Dozen Things I have Learned About Business from Rza
Today we enter the 36 Chambers with true thug Tren Griffin and get some business lessons from the Wu:
"Having leverage is essential. Rza surely learned that lesson very early in life."
“Wu-Tang not only kept the right to determine the destinies of its members individually, but —fatefully—they also retained their brand, their name, their merchandising and their publishing rights.”
"This result is straight up genius. From the freedom and ownership of licensing rights came clothing and other merchandising deals. Rza realized that the best negotiating position exists when you have what Roger Fisher calls a BATNA (best alternative to negotiated agreement)."
via Josh Beser
Pentagon Bails On Controversial 'Nintendo Medal' For Drone Pilots
Putting it above the Bronze Star in precedence seems to be the real issue. That's pretty rough.
Why the Redskins’ Players Are So Frugal
The key to feeling wealthy isn't to earn more, but rather to spend less. Plus, that 1991 Mazda 626 is pretty dope:
“'Maybe someday I’ll have enough saved and I’ll see what I can get,' said starting quarterback Kirk Cousins, who drives a dented GMC Savana passenger van to work. 'But it’s better to buy appreciating assets than depreciating. No yachts, no sports cars.'”
Personal note: my wife Jayme is an English teacher in Middletown, New York and her kids are putting on "Almost, Maine" tonight (Friday) at 7:00 PM, and tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 PM and 7 PM at the Middletown High School in case you'd like to check it out. I've never seen her work harder and I'm super proud to see the finished product in action.
- Bill