by Bill Sweet

In advance of big storm, New Jersey lifts licensing laws for shoveling snow
A rare win for sanity and reason on the Garden State: New Jerseyians were allowed to shovel snow without a license.
"Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday signed a bill making it legal for New Jersey residents to offer snow shoveling services without first registering with their town."
Young, gifted and held back
A full quarter of global population - 1.8 billion - are older than 15 but younger than 30.
"The early years of any career are the worst time to be idle, because these are when the work habits of a lifetime become ingrained. Those unemployed in their 20s typically still feel the “scarring” effects of lower income, as well as unhappiness, in their 50s."
Time-Starved Skilled Workers May Be Driving Gentrification
Gentrification may be driven by a "growing corps of time-starved, high-income, low-leisure households whose members seek to locate close to work."
"The researchers argue that gentrification may be the result of high-income households seeking to protect increasingly scarce leisure by reducing time spent on low-utility activities such as commuting."
Startup Pays Cash to Buy Homes, Flip Them
Need to move quickly? Try OpenDoor:
"The startup, OpenDoor Labs Inc., resold the house a month later, pocketing an estimated $20,000. The San Francisco company has repeated this profitable flip scores of times in the past year, catching the eye of Silicon Valley insiders."
The Difference Between Science And Engineering
"Scientific inquiry expands the scope of human perception and understanding; engineering design expands the scope of human plans and results."
- Bill