"But within large metropolitan areas, job growth was fastest in lower-density suburban counties, and slightly faster in the higher-density suburban counties than in urban counties. Therefore, suburbs of large metros have led job growth in the economic recovery."
American Homes Are Filled With Bugs - Ed Yong
Don't tell my wife she'll vacuum all weekend.
“A lot of people said, ‘Wow that's a lot, I need to do something!’ We said, ‘No, this is typical, we're just searching a lot harder than you would.’”
Things she also doesn't need to know about: gut bacteria.
Area Satirical Publication The Onion Sold To Univision (Seriously) - David Folkenflick
Univision acquires Onion.

Millennial Thinkpiece Bingo - McSweeney's - Rebecca Liu
"Tech Literacy in the Workplace"
"Social Media Self-Branding"
"Hookup Culture"
Google executive avoided desktop computers for a yea - Seth Fiegerman
I'd love to give this a shot. Makes sense:
"The biggest three challenges for us still will be mobile, mobile, mobile."
The Science of Sounding Smart - Julia Schroder, Nicholas Epley
"Although some people may assume that their ideas and intellect would come across much better in written form, it turns out that using your voice can make you sound smarter."
After Dark Screensavers in CSS

- Bill